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Meanwhile, Amidst Coronavirus…

Residents at Regency Retirement Village in Birmingham are making the most of social distancing during the coronavirus outbreak with things like BINGO from a safe distance.It’s no secret that the Coronavirus outbreak has dramatically changed basically everything. Many nonessential businesses are closed, schools are working to educate students remotely, and social distancing behavior has become a greater-good necessity that has intensely affected the way we live our daily lives. All that said, our residents at Regency Retirement Village in Birmingham, are still enjoying their days! We’ve had to adapt to new policies for safety, and we’ve also had to tweak the way we approach our social activities, but we are still going strong.

In fact, our residents have still been able to enjoy their beloved BINGO games, still interacting, laughing, and finding small joys to lift their spirits. Some residents have even handwritten encouraging messages to family on white boards to share via images on social media. We are still one big family, and we are in this together. We will continue to have fun, enjoy each other from safe distances, and smile because– no matter how you dice it– every day is a gift.

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