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Mother’s Day Tea

May 5th from 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Mother’s Day is here to celebrate mothers. This event is open to the public and all residents and their families can participate. So come sip and mingle and be entertained by our special guest. There will be great food served and entertainment for everyone. We can’t wait to see you there!

Men’s Coffee

May 25th at 8:00 am

Join us for a time to spend with the fellows and a few donuts. Regency celebrates our men, so please watch out for more details as we get closer.

Memorial Day Cookout

May 27th from 1:30 pm – 4:00 pm

The cookout is in the making and we are working hard putting this great event together. Check the calendars and flyers for details for this event!

The Spring Festival

Planning is still ongoing so please save the dates and don’t miss out on all the fun!

Father’s Day

The Father’s Day event will be in June and it’s getting close. We look forward to seeing you all there!

Fourth Of July

Please don’t miss out on the fireworks! Everyone is welcome to come out, food will be served as well as entertainment for everyone to enjoy. So save the date as the time gets near.

Family Luau

We have a Family Luau coming soon, so please watch for details as we get closer.

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