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Charles Birdsong was born and raised in North Carolina and graduated as valedictorian from Seaboard High School. He attended Chowan College in Murfreesboro, N.C. with a major in journalism. He was recruited to join the United States Air Force, serving in both the Korean and Vietnam Wars. Upon his retirement from the military, he worked for Alcatel Communications as an electronic technician and volunteered as an instructor at Wake Technical Community College. For his dedicated years of service to the program, he was awarded “The Unsung Hero Award.”

Mr. Birdsong also served over a period of several years as Area Coordinator for the AARP, Chaplin in the American Legion Post 1 in Raleigh and as a regular Monday volunteer in the Retiree’s office at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base in Goldsboro, NC. Mr. Birdsong has three children, Lynne, Chip and Beth, eight grandchildren and numerous great-grandchildren. Mr. Birdsong loves to read about current events, history and science and considers himself to be a life-long learner. He loves to socialize, listen to music and have lively discussions about what he has learned. Mr. Birdsong moved to Regency of Birmingham from North Carolina in March 2018 and serves on the Resident Council here at Regency. We are honored to have Mr. Birdsong in our care and most of all we are honored to serve him.

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