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Hope Vines

Hope Vines

Hope enjoys shopping and spending time with her puppy Alexander. She has lived at Regency Independent Living for a little over two years now. She states, “There is no other place I would like to live. The staff members are so wonderful and the people who live here are...
Wilma Miller

Wilma Miller

Ms. Miller was born on December 5th, 1922 in Mobeetie, Texas, and grew up in Mangum, Oklahoma. She married a military man that served in the US Air Force and they had four children. She has eight grandchildren and many great-grands. She worked as a beautician and a...
Judy Scamaido

Judy Scamaido

Judith and her husband lived in Houston, Texas for most of their lives together. After her husband retired, they moved to Birmingham to be closer to their three daughters. Ms. Judy now lives in Assisted Living where she enjoys socializing, playing games (all but...
Katie Banks

Katie Banks

Katie started her teaching career with the mindset that she would change the world, but quickly realized that the world changed her. She was able to look at people differently, and accept them for who they are. She considers herself to be a devout Christian and is...